
大头 posted @ 2008年9月28日 02:19 in 布鲁斯 with tags B.B.King LittleRichard , 1520 阅读

而Little Richard有首歌也叫《Lucille》。

Lucille, won't you do your sister's will?
Oh, Lucille, won't you do your sister's will?
Well, you ran away and left, I love you still.

Lucille, please, come back where you belong.
Oh, Lucille, please, come back where you belong.
I been good to you, baby, please, don't leave me alone.

Lucille, baby, satisfy my heart.
Oh, Lucille, baby, satisfy my heart.
I slaved for you, baby, and gave you such a wonderful start.

I woke up this morning, Lucille was not in sight.
I asked her friends about her but all their lips were tight.
Lucille, please, come back where you belong.
I been good to you, baby, please, don't leave me alone

·Originally, this was a ballad Richard wrote called "Directly From My Heart to You." He sped up the song and changed the woman's name from Queen Sonya (the name of a real Macon, Georgia, female impersonator whom Richard knew) to Lucille.
·This was released at a time when Richard was hot - he sold 32 million records in 1956 and 1957.
·The Everly Brothers matched Richard's #21 peak position with their version in 1960. (thanks, Brad Wind - Miami, FL, for above 3)
·B.B. King's guitar is named "Lucille."
·According to the movie Little Richard, which debuted on NBC in 2000, this song is about a breakup between a girl named "Lucille" and Little Richard. (thanks, Zeb - Charlotte, NC)


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